Currency Calculator
Rate To The Euro
- EUREuro1
- USDUS-Dollar1.0472
- JPYYen163.9
- BGNLew1.9558
- CZKCzech Crown25.097
- DKKDanish Krone7.4614
- GBPPound Sterling0.84413
- HUFForint408.85
- PLNZloty4.2138
- RONRomanian Leu4.9761
- SEKSwedish Krona11.459
- CHFSwiss Franc0.9494
- ISKIcelandic Krona146.3
- NOKNorwegian Krona11.7495
- TRYNew Lira37.3769
- AUDAustralian Dollar1.66
- BRLBrazilian Real6.1866
- CADCanadian Dollar1.5015
- CNYRemnibi Yuan7.5891
- HKDHongkong-Dollar8.1559
- IDRIndonesian Rupiah16900.5
- ILSNew Schekel3.7585
- INRIndian Rupee90.33
- KRWSouth Korean Won1501.6
- MXNMexican Peso21.2056
- MYRRinggit4.5841
- NZDNew Zealand Dollar1.8364
- PHPPhilippine Peso61.145
- SGDSingapore Dollar1.4129
- THBBaht35.27
- ZARSouth African Rand19.252
Hinweis: It is expressly noted that the above information has been carefully prepared, but we can not guarantee the accuracy and completeness.
Please note that these are reference rates of the European Central Bank. These rates are usually updated once a day at 15:00 CET. Therefore, they are not real-time rates. Therefore, deviations from your broker quote are possible. Also, we cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of third-party data.